Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Auto Trends | Metro Cell Vehicle

Auto Trends

I couldn't call this Metro Cell Vehicle an auto, but because it defies description at this time, we'll just use that for identification purposes.

This unique transportation device, offered as a 'human delivery system,' is designed specifically for the Los Angeles metro area, but could have potential in other regions as well.

At this time it's being called a PDD (pickup-drive-drop), and can be called upon by people and you can use it to get to where you want. When you're finished with that, you just get out and the Metro Cell Vehicle will return to a unique hub stack built for it.

Of course this is a Concept and is not certain to be used at this time, but it sure would give an interesting, futuristic look to those using them, and the LA area.

I wonder if it will include air conditioning? It looks like it would be extremely hot to drive in if it didn't.

Auto Trends

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